A comparative study in the way the main female characters struggle in their hardships for love in Jane Austen’s persuation and in Charlotte Bronte’s

Badriyah, Masatu (2011) A comparative study in the way the main female characters struggle in their hardships for love in Jane Austen’s persuation and in Charlotte Bronte’s. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte are the authors who have different era but they have a similar in writing. Their writing rise the heroines that can be found in Presuasion and Jane Eyre. These two women’s feeling, tribulations, struggle, sufferings and else are what are concerned in the novels. Struggle in Anne Elliot and Jane Eyre become the main problem of the research. The characteristic of struggle can rise if conflict and setting did not support of the circumstance her heart and her mind, so it will rise toward the process of thinking because the main characters those are Jane Eyre and Anne Elliot want to resolve the problem. Therefore, the researcher took three question, they are: What the influences of the background of Anne Elliot and Jane Eyre toward in their characters, How their character’s affect them in taking certain step as solutions to their problems, and What are the differences and similarities their ways in facing the tribulation of their love-lives. The reseacher used comparative study because this method will compare both novel in their characters of struggle based on characteristic, conflict and setting theories. Character consists of ‘stated of mind, their motivation, attitudes, and desires very completely’. This character that related to struggle in hardship because she/he has motivation and desire to better life. Character cannot be repudiated that the main characters are the most important ones in the plot. A conflict is actually ‘a clash of actions, ideas, desire, or wills’. Setting is the actions of the characters take place at some time, in some place and some things these temporal and spatial surroundings. So, setting and conflict often influence the main character’s conduct, reaction, and development. The heroines of background of family can influence the characteristic of the struggle. Anne Elliot was born in rich family and has eductaion that can influence the way of thinking in solving problem, while Jane Eyre was born where her parents died and growed in hardship in her uncle family, but Jane Eyre has the intelligent so she can survive. The background of their family affected in taking certain step to take the solve problem. In struggling over their characters, Anne Elliot and Jane Eyre cannot be freed from their characters, their personality, principle of life, mind, and also their way of thinking will make them take certain steps in untangling all the problems that they have. the struggle in reaching their love; Anne Elliot has more tendency to wait the man express his love to Anne, while Jane Eyre is more blunt to express her love. Jane has principle that men and women are equal. And the similarities both of them that they have a true love.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: characteristic; Characters Struggle; conflict;
Subjects: English Literatures
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Users 38 not found.
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2016 10:42
Last Modified: 05 Dec 2018 03:57
URI: https://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/id/eprint/2108

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