Illocutionary acts in the lawrence of Arabia (1962) movie script

Lestari, Lela (2018) Illocutionary acts in the lawrence of Arabia (1962) movie script. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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This research describes speech act illocutionary act and context of illocutionary act found in utterances in The Lawrence of Arabia Movie Script. The problem of this research are formulated into two research questions: what types of illocutionary acts are presented in the Lawrence of Arabia movie spoken by Lawrence and what are the contexts of illocutionary acts practiced by the main characters in Lawrence of Arabia. This research is supported by a theory from Austin (1962), Searle (1979) and Firth (1935) to answer the question. The qualitative research and descriptive method are used in this research. The data in this research were taken from Lawrence of Arabia Movie Script. The steps of data analysis included: 1). Selecting Data 2). Classifying Data 3). Analyzing Data 5). Making Table. The result showed there are five types of the illocutionary act in the utterances, (1) Assertive 8 data there are 2 data of describing, 2 data of stating, 1 data of informing, 1 data of confirming and 2 data of claiming. (2) Directive 8 data there are 3 data of advising, 3 data of order, and 2 data of suggesting. (3) Commissive 8 data there are 3 data of committing and 5 data of promising. (4) Expressive 8 data there are 4 data of thankful, 2 data apologize. (5) Declarative 8 data there are 2 data of declaration and 6 data of confirming. The context of the illocutionary act from utterances in Lawrence of Arabia movie script, it was found 40 data which are representative of each type of illocutionary acts in every utterance. There are four types of the context of situation found (1) Participant (1) Action, (3) Other relevant features of the situation (5) Effects. Speech and interpretations in every utterance can be understood through the context of the situation related to the conversation between the speaker and the listener in The Lawrence of Arabia movie script. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tindak tutur, tindak ilokusi dan konteks tindak ilokusi yang ditemukan dalam tuturan pada naskah film Lawrence of Arabia. Masalah penelitian ini dirumuskan menjadi dua pertanyaan penelitian: apa jenis tindakan ilokusi yang disajikan dalam film Lawrence of Arabia yang diucapkan oleh Lawrence dan apa konteks tindakan ilokusi yang dipraktikkan oleh karakter utama di film Lawrence of Arabia. Analisi Penelitian ini didukung oleh teori dari Austin (1962), Searle (1979) dan Firth (1935) untuk menjawab pertanyaan. Analisis data kualitatif dan metode deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data diambil dari naskah film Lawrence of Arabia. Langkah-langkah analisis data meliputi: 1). Memilih Data 2). Menggolongkan Data 3). Menganalisis Data 4). Membuat Tabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada lima jenis tindak ilokusi dalam ujaran, (1) Asertif 8 data ada 2 data yang menggambarkan, 2 data stataing, 1 data menginformasikan, 1 data konfirmasi dan 2 data klaim. (2) Directive 8 data ada 3 data pemberian saran, 3 data pemesanan, dan 2 data pemberian saran. (3) Data komisif 8 ada 3 data komitmen dan 5 data yang menjanjikan. (4) Ekspresif 8 data ada 4 data ucapan syukur, 2 data mohon maaf. (5) Deklaratif 8 data ada 2 data deklarasi dan 6 data konfirmasi. Konteks tindak ilokusi dari ucapan-ucapan Lawrence dalam naskah film Lawrence of Arabia, ditemukan 40 data yang mewakili masing-masing jenis tindak ilokusi dalam setiap ujaran. Ada empat jenis konteks situasi yang ditemukan (1) Peserta (1) Tindakan, (3) Fitur relevan lainnya dari situasi (5) Efek. Ujaran dan interpretasi di setiap tuturan dapat dimengerti melalui konteks situasi yang berhubungan dengan percakapan diantara pembicara dan pendengar dalam naskah film Lawrence of Arabia.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Speech act; illocutionary act; Lawrence of arabia movie script; context
Subjects: Linguistics
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Lela Lestari
Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2018 06:54
Last Modified: 24 Sep 2018 06:54

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